Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Browse svc file over https

For developing mobile app for one of the existing SharePoint application.
We developed WCF services to consume the application features.
In IIS we have created applicatoin for the service with should access over HTTPS.

The url is

In web.config level had the below change.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Generate Row Serial Numbers in SQL Query

SELECT row_number() over (order by AAL.Record_ID) as "No"

Monday, January 5, 2015

Backup/Restore of SharePoint 2010 site Collection using Power Shell

The below is the good link to perform the back up(Backup-SPSite) and restore(Restore-SPSite) the site collection using POWER SHELL

How To Increase Space on Drive C of a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server 2008R2

Requrement: Would like to extend my VM size to 10GB
Shutdown the VM.
Go to the VM Player settings->HD Settings-> Utilitites--> Expand

Then go to the VM My computer-> Manage-->Compute Mgt
do the following.